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Our Story

We formed in 2020 as a spin-out from the University of Edinburgh, building on years of research at the intersection of mobile networking and artificial intelligence, conducted at one of Europe‘s leading computer science research centres.

Net AI team at MWC 2023 Barcelona

Our team has been pioneering applications of AI to mobile networking and builds on the members' unique expertise in networking, traffic characterisation, machine learning, security, business development, and strategic planning.

Meet The Team

  • Picture of Mark Chapman

    Mark Chapman

    Co-founder & Chairman

  • Picture of Paul Patras

    Paul Patras

    Co-founder & CEO

  • Picture of Marco Fiore

    Marco Fiore

    Co-founder & CTO

  • Picture of Bill McDonald

    Bill McDonald

    Non-executive Director

  • Picture of Valerie Stones

    Valerie Stones

    Finance Manager

  • Picture of Heine Stenholt Winther

    Heine Stenholt Winther

    Expert Advisor

  • Picture of Danielle Morgan

    Danielle Morgan

    Interim CMO

  • Picture of Mariam Kalandia

    Mariam Kalandia

    Marketing Assistant

  • Picture of Alexis Duque

    Alexis Duque

    VP of Engineering

  • Picture of Samuel Knight

    Samuel Knight

    ML Engineer

  • Picture of Puttatida Mahapattanakul

    Puttatida Mahapattanakul

    ML Engineer

  • Picture of Alec Diallo

    Alec Diallo

    ML Engineer

  • Picture of Natalia Romankevich

    Natalia Romankevich

    Front-end Engineer

  • Picture of Rokas Gudavicius

    Rokas Gudavicius

    Back-end Engineer

  • Picture of Haili Wu

    Haili Wu

    UX Designer